
Upload Your Artwork/Samples

Now that you've placed your order, please send us your artwork, sketches or layout ideas for your custom printed tag. We'll put them all together and email you a PDF proof for your review.

Have a sample, but only looking for a quote? Please use our Request for Quote form.


Preparing Your Art

For Supplied Vector Artwork:

Please submit Vector (Illustrator) PDF

Convert all fonts to outlines/curves

Make sure no raster images are within the file

Make sure there is an 1/8" margin on all sides


For help in preparing your vector artwork, please download our templates which can be taken directly into Illustrator. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!

Don't have vector artwork? Not to worry! We can typeset just about anything but logos and there is no charge for artwork setup with your paid order.

  • Provide any logo files in a separate high resolution format
  • Please provide clear scans of sample tags we are to typeset from
  • If possible, provide a Word document or Text File with all text provided


Prefer to sketch out your ideas? Download our templates, sketch out your tag and scan and upload or fax your design to us at 888-848-6677. Please be certain to indicate your order number somewhere on the page.
